A new phase begins

Multiple times at various points and age in his life he’s flown off. To discover new worlds, new experiences.

But this time his packed bags feel heavier that ever. He leaves tonight to explore an entire new phase of his life. He goes into the real world(and not a very safe one now) carrying not just his bags but responsibility of a grown up.

I’ve always gone to drop him, settle him in wherever he went to start afresh….. I would even now….. it was a given…. but I can’t becauseof the quarantine rules….and honestly he doesn’t need me to come.

Ofcourse he’s all grown up, towering over everyone in the house. From little feet walking in dads oversized shoes to flicking them to sharing them…..

He has packed without my help obviously. And as he empties his wardrobe giving some of his clothes to dad and me. I don’t know why but it tuggs at my heart so harder than ever before…. a neatly woven braid of ‘’US’’ un weaving itself……

Ofcourse all the those shining curly locks have the same roots….. but it’s so hard to unknot what I feel, and even more tangled than before.

I carried him for his first vaccination, his first time to the park, his first day to pre nursery, his school. And gradually as he grew I walked beside him soaking in his growth and blossoming along with him.

But this time I can’t be a part of a huge step he takes into a new and one of the most important phases of his life……

But he walks tall as always, in the house, through the gates of departure, to taking his flight…. And all I can do is watch him go as I let my son-shine soar again……..

2 thoughts on “A new phase begins

  1. Yet another phase another venturing out into a new place
    Wishing him all the best and yes wonderful that you have let him fly into another space


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